Ampetronic CLD1-AC Teleslyngeforstærker - uden tilbehør

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Varenummer (SKU): 502567

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CLD1-AC teleslyngeforstærker er designet til skrankesystemer og til små områder. Forstærkeren måler kun 128 x 74 x 35mm og har en udgangsstrøm på 2.4A RMS, hvilket gør CLD1-AC til den mindste, men dog højest ydende forstærker i sin klasse. Forstærkeren er stabil i drift og har lave leveomkostninger.

CLD1-AC er udstyret med intern strømforsyning for stand alone applikationer.

  • Lave leve- og driftsomkostninger
  • Meget kompakt
  • 2 separate mikrofonindgange bestående af 1 mikrofonindgang samt 1 omskiftelig mikrofon/linje indgang
  • Metal loss compensation
  • Enkel og fleksibel installation med alle kabeltilslutninger samlet på en enkelt side af enheden
  • Intern strømforsyning

Denne variant leveres uden tilbehør (mikrofon/teleslynge)


Med MLC (metal Loss Correction) kombineret med Ampetronics sædvanlige høje standarder for design byder forstærkeren på en exceptionel god lydkvalitet. Ampetronic har i udviklingen af CLD1-AC haft fleksibilitet og bekvemmelighed i fokus. Forstærkeren byder på 2 separate mikrofonindgange med uafhængig niveaukontrol – den ene kan konfigureres som en linjeindgang.

Alle kabeltilslutninger er samlet på en enkelt side af enheden, hvilket gør installationen endnu mere enkel og fleksibel.

Teleslyngeforstærkeren egner sig til følgende applikationer:

  • Billetsalg- og informationsskranke
  • Butiksskranke
  • Receptionsskranke
  • Interview lokaler
  • Små mødelokaler
  • Taxi og private biler

Tekniske specifikationer

Counter Loops
When supplied as a counter loop kit, the CLD1AC comes with choice of microphone, a multi-turn preformed loop, power supply and simple installation instructions. The loop should be mounted vertically in accordance with the installation instructions. Other installation methods are also available.

The CLD1AC in this application will project a field to the requirements of IEC60118-4 approximately 1m from the preformed loop.

Perimeter Loops – Area Coverage (maximum)
The CLD1AC is designed for small perimeter loop applications in rooms or in vehicles. Coverage with a single turn loop:

Room aspect ratio:                         1:1      2:1       3:1
Maximum area coverage m2:       20      30        35

  • The CLD1 is DC powered making it ideal for use in small vehicles such as taxis, private cars and small boats. We recommend a multi-turn loop in the headlining of the vehicle cabin – contact Ampetronic for an application guide.The loop is 1-2m above or below the receiver height
  • There are no metal structures in the plane of the loop
  • There is sufficient voltage to drive the cable length – check table below.

Maximum Cable Length
With maximum current output the CLD1AC can drive:

  • Loops with DC resistance from 0.3 to 1.0Ω
  • Impedance up to a maximum of 1.3Ω

When operating below maximum output, the CLD1AC can drive longer cable lengths – contact Ampetronic for more details.

Maximum cable length is dependent on cable type and on the application.

Cable type Maximum Cable Length (m)
0.75mm2 copper 44
1.0mm2 copper 57
1.5mm2 copper 71
1.8mm2 flat copper tape 101m

CLD1 Specifications


Power All integral 100-240v AC 18W max.
Regional plug also available.
Green LED Power indicator
Input 1 Microphone input
Suitable for unbalanced electret microphone
3.5mm mono jack socket
Input impedance 8kΩ.
6v bias via 10kΩ source
Sensitivity -60 dBu for max output
Overload level -14 dBu.
Recessed control on front panel
Input 2 Switchable line / microphone
Recessed switch on connector panel
Microphone as for input 1
Line input:
Input impedance 820kΩ
Sensitivity -20dBu for max output
Overload: >+20dBu


Drive voltage >3.2Vrms >4.5Vpk at maximum output current
Drive current 2.4Arms 3.4Apk continuous 1kHz sine wave
Short term peak >4.8Apk
LED indicator on front panel
Loop resistance 0.3Ω to 1.0Ω resistive or
Loop connector Vibration proof clamps, accept 0.5 to 1.3mm2



Idle 1/6 peak Output Current (Speech) 1/3 peak Output Current (Pink noise) Full Power
Driver  Channels Current (ARMS) Load Resistance (Ohms) AC In (W) BTU AC In (W) BTU AC In (W) BTU AC In (W) BTU
CLD1 1 2.4 0.5 0.6 2 4 13 8 22 13.704 37



Frequency response 80Hz to 6.3kHz ±1.5dB
Automatic gain control AGC optimised for speech
Dynamic range >36dB
Green LED indicator on front panel
Metal loss correction 0 to 4.5dB/octave
Recessed control on front panel


Cooling Natural convection
Dimensions 180mm, 74mm, 35mm
Weight 400g
Environment IP20 : 20 to 90% relative humidity, -20ºC to 50ºC
Mounting Horizontal or vertical panel or wall mount, with 2 screw fixings


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